Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Custom Keto Diet Review

Custom Keto Diet Review
Review Summary

Product Name:

Product Type:

Personalized Keto Meal Plan & Guide




Can a customized diet plan help you stick to keto and lose weight faster? We tried the Custom Keto Diet to see for ourselves.

Our Rating:

What Is The Custom Keto Diet?

Custom Keto Diet is a personalized meal plan that’s tailored for you. It includes an 8-week plan at a lost cost, one-time fee. There are no hidden subscriptions or fees involved. They cover and customize everything you may want to eat or what you can’t eat. They include special diets like intermittent fasting, vegan, and vegetarian options.

They even offer options for those that don’t have the time to cook every day and instructions for those that do. Before you sign up you can choose all your food options. Once you’re signed up, you have the option to swap ingredients in case you don’t feel like eating a certain protein or vegetable that day.

You never have to worry if you’re getting proper nutrition because your plan is designed by nutrition and fitness experts. For those wanting to start a ketogenic diet but don’t know where to begin, Custom Keto Diet does all the work for you.

Custom Keto Diet Features

About The Diet Plan

Custom Keto Diet was designed with you in mind. They realize that sticking to a diet plan can be difficult if it’s too restrictive. Rachel Roberts, a fitness expert, and dietitian created this plan with goals in mind. Custom Keto Diet’s goals are to be effective, convenient, and enjoyable.

Main Custom Keto Features

There are many features you get when you sign up with Custom Keto Diet. You get Custom Keto Diet for a low price compared to its competitors. Many charge hundreds of dollars for a meal plan that’s a repetitive cost.

Custom Keto Diet sells for a fraction of the cost at less than $40 and charges a one-time fee. Users can use various payment methods from debit cards, major credit cards, or even PayPal. The one-time fee also allows users to access their meal plan for life.

Custom Keto Diet includes an 8-week meal plan that’s tailored to fit your personal needs. Your meal plan is designed by nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs that are there to help make sure you reach your fitness goals. Your meals are based on your macros and caloric intake.

However, you’re not limited with your food. Your meals are tailored to a specific macro and calorie plan but that doesn’t mean you don’t have flexibility. Before you even reach the payment section, you are offered a range of choices on what you prefer to eat.

For example, if you don’t like eating pork or chicken, you don’t have to select it and all your meals will be void of it. Custom Keto Diet is vegan and vegetarian friendly as well. The same options go if you are vegan or vegetarian too! 

8-Week Personalized Meal Plan

Select the no meat option or fish and you won’t be given meal plans with meat in them. You also can choose if you want eggs, cheese, nuts, coconuts, cottage cheese, and certain vegetables. The customization doesn’t stop there. Once you’re given your meal plan, if you don’t feel like eating chicken that day or bacon, you can swap it for an option that matches your macros. 

This makes it easier to stick to your diet because you won’t be stuck eating the same things over and over. It always ensures you’re getting proper nutrition. 

Not everyone knows how to cook or is the best cook. Custom Keto Diet brings you step-by-step instructions. You’ll never be lost when it comes to cooking your meals. You even get a downloadable grocery list you can print or keep with you on your phone. It also accounts for those that don’t have the time to cook. 

Custom Keto Diet knows that some people have busy lives. They know that sometimes you may need to stop by a fast-food joint for a quick meal. This doesn’t mean you will have to stray too far from your macros.

They offer “keto-friendly” options at your favorite fast-food joints. It even takes into account those that practice intermittent fasting and will allow you to plan to eat around your schedule. Custom Keto Diet even portion controls for you. No more trouble having to learn how much you should be eating. They do they work for you!

This doesn’t even include all the features Custom Keto Diet has to offer. You get access to recipes on smoothies, sweet foods, savory foods, a Keto 101 video, and an eBook.

With the Custom Keto Diet you get..

  • Cheap 8-week customizable meal plan
  • eBooks and video on Keto
  • Lifetime access to your meal plan
  • Downloadable grocery lists
  • Recipes with step-by-step instructions
Custom Keto Meals Preferences

Pricing Of Custom Keto Diet

Many programs charge around $900 for a standard meal plan. Today, you can get Custom Keto Diet for just a one-time payment of $37. The regular price is $97. You input your age, height, weight, and the choice of foods you want to be included.

Then, they take you to a secure site where you enter your email and payment information on their secure site. Once you pay, you have complete lifetime access to your 8-week meal plan. There are no hidden fees or extra subscription fees.

There are various payment options from credit cards to debit cards like Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. They even have a PayPal for those not wanting to use their card.

Ease Of Use

The features of Custom Keto Diet are very user-friendly. You can access your customized plan through your computer, tablet, or your phone, so you can always log your food intake. It would be ideal for them to include a mobile app, but it does work just fine without one.

At first glance, you have the option to watch a video on the website or a readable version. Both describe the same things the plan has to offer. The major difference with the video is you hear from the creator of the plan herself and get a little background from her.

If you’re pressed for time, the video is the better option than reading. The website itself does contain a lot of information and can be a little overwhelming for a beginner and the video makes it easier to digest.

On the read-only page. You get a brief overview of what the plan offers. However, it doesn’t tell you everything the plan gives you. It’s missing some introduction videos on keto, eBooks, and recipes for sweet and savory foods.

Before you sign-up and pay the one-time fee, you’re asked a series of questions. These questions range from your height and weight, activity level, and food preferences. They’re used to determine your macros and calorie intake per day.

They even include how much water you should be drinking a day. To access your specific meal plan, you click the “sign-up” button. It will then take you to a secured site where you can choose to purchase the plan using any major debit or credit card. PayPal is also available as a payment option.

The plan costs a one-time fee of $37 and once it’s purchased, you have lifetime access to the site and your plan.

Once you have access, you can then choose to swap ingredients if you aren’t in the mood for a certain ingredient like bacon for beef or spinach for broccoli. You can center your mealtimes around intermittent fasting or look at fast-food friendly options if you don’t have time to cook that night.

Everything is customizable. Your caloric intake and your macros will adjust according to your logs, so you never have to do any calculations yourself. It will even give you portion sizes for each meal to keep you fuller longer and reduce your cravings. The website itself is a great tool for those that are wanting to lose weight while having the flexibility to eat more foods than the traditional keto diet.

Increase Your Keto Fat Burning

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there a mobile app for the plan?
A: You can access your plan on your phone or tablet but there’s no mobile app at this time.

Q: Does the plan update your macros if you swap ingredients?
A: Yes! Whenever you enter what you eat, it automatically recalculates your macros and calories.

Q: Do I have to limit what foods I eat?
A: Like with any diet, moderation is key. On a traditional keto diet, you will have to give up a lot of types of food, especially fast-food. However, with Custom Keto Diet you can eat fast-food! Now, this doesn't mean you can go crazy. It just means they understand that you can't always cook and offer options to substitute for that.

Q: Can I be refunded if I don’t like it?
A: Yes! If you try it for the full 8-weeks and end up not enjoying the product, you can send a request a refund with your receipt.

1-Week Custom Meal Plan Trial

Try the custom keto diet meal plan for one week with the $1 trial!

Why Choose Keto?

There are a plethora of reasons why someone might choose to go on a keto diet. Many studies have found that keto diets have health benefits, especially for those with certain conditions. Keto diets have been shown to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, improve blood pressure and blood sugar, reduce appetite, and boost weight loss.

Triglycerides and HDL Cholesterol 

We’ve all heard about how cholesterol and triglycerides are important for a healthy heart. We’ve also heard how they lead to heart disease if we don’t eat properly. Low-fat diets show that triglycerides increase while on low carb they reduce. The HDL levels rise exponentially on low carb diets because they call for an increase in fat intake.

Visceral Fat

You lose more visceral fat on a keto diet than subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is stored in the abdominal cavity and is harmful to your organs and body. Most overweight men tend to have a large amount of visceral fat. Visceral fat has the potential to cause inflammation, insulin resistance, and metabolic dysfunction. Keto diets have shown to be effective in reducing visceral fat and reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Health Conditions

Some health conditions that benefit from ketogenic diets include epilepsy, brain disorders, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.

Epilepsy and Brain Disorders

In epilepsy, the ketones are burned by the brain, and up to 50% experience a reduction in their seizures. 16% become seizure-free when using ketogenic diets as a treatment. Due to the findings in epileptic children, other brain disorders are being studied with ketogenic diets as the treatment. Some of these include Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a condition in which your risk of diabetes and heart disease is raised. Those with metabolic syndrome have symptoms like high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low “good” HDL cholesterol, abdominal obesity, and high blood sugars. Studies show that not only do keto diets reduce the symptoms, but it can eliminate them.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetics are often recommended ketogenic diets. Studies show that they reduce blood sugars and insulin levels. Those that start ketogenic diets reduce their insulin medications by 50% immediately. Up to 95% reduce or eliminate their medication within six months.

Weight Loss

However, medical conditions aren’t the primary reason people start a ketogenic diet. In recent years, ketogenic diets have become a staple for weight loss. Many use ketogenic diets as their main way to lose weight and others use it as a jumpstart to weight loss. Unlike fad diets, studies on ketogenic diets do show weight loss. It’s considered one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Studies show that low-carb diets are more effective than low-fat diets even when calorie restriction is in place.

Low-carb diets work by reducing water weight from the body. This leads to lower insulin levels and rapid weight loss at first. It also has the bonus of suppressing your appetite. Appetite suppression is a major plus for those that struggle with regular diets.

Regular diets often leave people feeling hungry and can cause those to not stick with their diet or consume more. Studies show that cutting carbs in place for more protein and fat leads to less calorie intake and more weight loss.

One study showed that low-carb diets in obese adults were more effective than conventional diet methods. These effects lasted for up to six months before becoming comparable to a conventional diet.

Whatever your reasons for choosing a ketogenic diet, you are sure to reap health benefits.

Are Keto Diets Safe?

Ketogenic diets are generally safe. However, when users first start, they can experience some negative symptoms like brain fog, mood swings, and even more serious issues like deficiencies, liver issues, kidney problems, and constipation. Be sure to always check with a doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan.

Step By Step Custom Plan

My Final Thoughts

Custom Keto Diet is a great tool. It has all the workings that your everyday food log has but more. You can log your intake and it will readjust or account for any special diets like intermittent fasting or vegan foods.

If you’re a person who’s on the go and find it difficult to cook, you get offered keto-friendly options for fast-food. Unlike the commercial meal plans that cost hundreds of dollars with hidden fees and subscriptions, Custom Keto Diet is a one-time fee of only $39. The fee unlocks your custom plan with videos, recipes, downloadable grocery lists, and customization you won’t find with other plans.

If for any reason, after the 8-weeks you’re unhappy with the plan, you can request a refund. It can use a few changes like the addition of a mobile app, more knowledge on what the plan has before purchasing, and maybe an addition of a fitness plan as well for more advanced users.

Overall, the plan itself is perfect for anyone wanting to lose weight with a flexible keto diet. Don’t waste another minute being unhappy with your lifestyle and make the necessary changes today by signing up for Custom Keto Diet today.

Custom Keto Diet Features

Our Verdict - Custom Keto Diet Plan


The Good Stuff:
  • No hidden fees or reoccurring subscriptions.
  • One-time sign-up fee.
  • Accepts all major credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal.
  • Lifetime access to meal plans whenever you want.
  • Downloadable and printable grocery lists for your weekly meals.
  • Customizable meal plans that include substitution for ingredients, intermittent fasting, and fast-food.
  • Step-by-step recipe instructions to make the meals.
  • Macros and calories are tracked and updated when you enter your food.
  • Portions are set up for you.
The Bad Stuff:
  • Plan doesn’t consist of any exercise plans.
  • Plan is accessible on your phone but there’s no app for it.
  • You don’t know all of the features until you purchase it.

Create Your Keto Meal Plan

Create your meal plan based on your body and meal preferences

The post Custom Keto Diet Review appeared first on Keto Methods.

from Keto Methods

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Dry Mouth On Keto

Dry Mouth On Keto

Why Dry Mouth Happens & How To Solve It

Over the last few years, the keto diet plan has stood out as a leading trend in the health and wellness world. The number of people using the ketogenic diet plan seems to increase massively with each passing day. That is to the extent that if by now, you do not know even one person who uses the diet plan, your case is quite an exception.

Generally, the ketogenic nutrition plan is about eating a significantly low amount of carbs compared to fats and proteins. If you have tried the diet trend like I, you have higher chances of experiencing an array of benefits, including fast loss of weight, reduced sugar thirst, and feeling more invigorated.

Despite all the benefits that come with keto, it is important to note that it also has its negative effects. It is common to come across different keto problems experienced by other people on social media and online platforms.

Following Low Carb Diet Working Out

Dry Mouth

Having a dry mouth is a common side effect of using keto. Often a dry mouth comes in the company of athirst level upsurge and bad breath.

Some of the symptoms of a dry mouth may include:

  • Impaired taste, scientifically referred to as dysgeusia
  • Increase in thirstiness, especially at night
  • Fungal mouth infections
  • Dry, cracking, or splitting lips
  • Speaking difficulty

Before we can look at how to solve the dry mouth problem, we are first going to look at what the condition is about and its cause. 

 Also referred to as cottonmouth or xerostomia, dry mouth is a condition that means you do not have adequate saliva to deliver a wet mouth because the production of saliva is inadequate, leading to a foul breath and thirstiness. 

 Note, though, that there are many other potential dry mouth triggers apart from keto. Some of the potential dry mouth causes and not related to a keto diet may include:

  • The use of tobacco
  • Allergies
  • Dehydration
  • Age-For example, adults tend to experience more dry mouth issues than children
  • Too much exercise without restocking your body with the right amount of fluids or water
  • Certain medications

While having a dry mouth may not be a major health concern, there is still a need to fix the issue as soon as possible. That can help in avoiding the discomfort it brings when you are around people.

Fixing the dry mouth issue is necessary to eliminate awful breath and increase your ability for food tasting and chewing.

Since your mouth does not have enough saliva, there is a possibility of experiencing particular health issues such as a sore throat and tooth decay that can be avoided. 

How Keto Leads To Dry Mouth

In the state of ketosis (mode of fat burning), your body is forced to speedily burn your fat with the ketones availed employed in supplying the fuel needs.

The process of fat burning can result in the alteration of the chemistry of your body, which can lead to a negative impact on the salivary glands. Salivary glands play a crucial role in your body in terms of saliva creation necessary for food digestion in the mouth.

Inadequate saliva problem is a result of your body not having a lot of carbohydrates supply constantly. Usually, when you consume diets packed with carbohydrates, the body is tasked with their conversion into glycogen. The body, at times, uses glycogen for energy production.

With every gram of glycogen stowed, your body stores about three to four grams of water. For that reason, when you adopt a keto diet, the body receives and stores less quantity of water.

The result is the production of less quantity of saliva than normal, which causes increased thirst and dry mouth.

Other causes of dry mouth when using a keto plan are:

1. Change In Insulin Levels

When you consume a diet rich in sugar and carbohydrates, the result is a rise in blood sugar. Consequently, insulin is released by the pancreas to help in combating your blood sugar rise with the triggering of your kidneys to preserve extra water.

Then again, ingesting a low carb diet means there is less increase in insulin levels, which allows the kidneys to retain a lesser amount of water. The result is that your body is left not properly hydrated.

2. Fasting-Induced Natriuresis

Natriuresis is a process involving sodium excretion via your urine. That process can happen or be triggered as a result of the restriction of carbohydrates intake to an amount lower than 60g a day.
During natriuresis, your kidneys release sodium, and your body tries to preserve the sodium, which also leads to the release of potassium. Both sodium and potassium are essential minerals carrying electrical charge to play a significant role in regulating body fluid.

When electrolytes are not available in the right amount managing the level of fluids becomes challenging, leading to dehydration. Dehydration causes dry mouth.

3. Inadequate Hydration

Since following a keto may lead to dehydration, that is why you have to properly hydrate your body, particularly after performing a workout. Your body loses water faster with a keto diet since there is faster depletion of glycogen reserves.

Whether you are following a keto diet plan or not, always ensure that you drink at least the recommended glasses of water every day.

4. Persistent Urination

It should be no surprise that you experience a lot of urination during the initial stages of ketosis. Urination is one of the top ways your body utilizes for the expulsion of extra ketones and fluids.

The disadvantage of persistent urination is that your body develops thirstiness. As a consequence, you experience dry mouth sensations and feel thirsty.

5. Deficiencies In Nutrients

Some of the common nutrients and vitamins vital for eliminating the dry mouth condition include:

•Vitamins D, E, B6, B12, and C

The nutrients are necessary for the maintenance of the right salivary health. In one study conducted in Japan about 14 years ago about diet and mouth dryness in men, the result was that the people with deficiencies in the nutrients suffered from dry mouth.

As expected from the study, the people who had dry mouth conditions also were found not to be eating plenty of fish and vegetables.

In another research, omega-3 fatty acids were found to be instrumental in increasing the flow of salivary. On top, the researchers concluded that an inadequate intake of vitamin D could trigger salivary problems.

6. Increased Acetone Levels

Once your body reaches the keto condition, there is more production of acetone apart from Beta-hydroxybutyrate.

Acetone is usually expelled via urination and breathing. The breath may smell or taste metallic or fruity. When you drink plenty of fluids, often, acetone is eliminated through urination.

7. Medications

When using a drug together with a keto diet plan, it is best to remember a dry mouth is a leading side effect of most drugs. By performing just a simple online search on Google about the “side effects of drugs,” you will be presented with lists at least containing dry mouth.

Sometimes drugs may not directly lead to symptoms of dry mouth and instead can only have an effect.

8. Excess Proteins Consumption

Once you have adopted a keto diet plan, you are eating fewer carbs, and you may be consuming a lot of proteins unintentionally.

Since your body has extra protein intake, there is a breakdown and production of ammonia. The gas is usually discharged from the body via urine. Researchers have linked the breakdown of excess ammonia to cause mouth odor and dry mouth.

Keto Health Calculator

How to Check Your Levels of Ketones

When you benefit from the loss of fat, it points to the fact that your body has entered the ketosis state. When the levels of ketone are higher, one clear indicator is a foul breath.

So you must know how to check your ketone levels to deal with the results produced accordingly. The ketone testing options you have are:

  • Testing of breath: Breath testing is usually done using an instrument called a ketone meter. The instrument is capable of showing a particular amount of ketones a breath contains.
  • Urine strips: This option is usually considered to be not reliable since they often show a relatively low quantity of ketones in the breath.
  • Testing of blood: This choice of testing the ketone levels in your breath is popular because of its reliability and accuracy. Any other issue cannot compromise the likely result of blood testing.

 7 Ways To Eliminate Dry Mouth When On Keto

1. Consume More Water

 Through sweating and urination, your body loses a lot of water. The water loss process leads to your body deprivation of the much-needed water content for ensuring healthy body processes. 

 And when you are in the keto state, your body loses more water because of the frequent urination. 

 As per the NAM, women, and men should consume approximately 2.7 and 3.7 liters of water daily. The water consumed should mainly come from drinking water and food. 

2. Maintain Healthy Oral Hygiene

Having a keto breath does not mean that you are dealing with an oral hygiene issue. However, when you are on a keto, and experiencing a bad breath, maintaining a healthy oral habit when you rinse your mouth can help alleviate the problem.

Rinsing your mouth helps in the triggering of the salivary glands. Nonetheless, when it comes to rinsing your mouth, it is advised that you should avoid the use of rinses containing alcohol content. Alcohol can cause a drying effect to worsen the condition further.

Another point to note is that only use toothpaste meant for dry mouth.

3. Use Sugar-Free Gum

Sugar-packed breath fresheners are known to have the ability to escalate carbs content in the body, which yields an increase in blood sugar and levels of insulin. Other products marketed as sugarless gum and mint options also often have the same effect. Check our favorite keto-friendly gums!

Only use keto-appropriate products to assist you in the elimination of dry mouth and unfriendly breath. Alternatively, you can use natural herbs and fresheners such as cinnamon and clove.

Our Favorite Xylitol Gum

Bestseller No. 1
PUR 100% Xylitol Chewing Gum, Cinnamon , Sugar-Free + Aspartame Free, Vegan + non GMO,, 55 Count (Pack of 1)
PUR 100% Xylitol Chewing Gum, Cinnamon , Sugar-Free + Aspartame Free, Vegan + non GMO,, 55 Count (Pack of 1)
  • CINNAMON: This sugar free gum has a fiery rush of sweet and spicy cinnamon flavor that kicks sweet tooth cravings, fights dry mouth and freshens breath. Comes in a resealable package.

4. Use A Humidifier

Using a humidifier is useful in reducing dry mouth symptoms since there is the addition of more air moisture.

A humidifier can help offset an environment containing dry air so that you are not exposed to an environment promoting the dry mouth condition.

5. Avoid Eating Excess Protein

As I had already said, eating excess proteins leads to ammonia production, which promotes unfriendly breath and dry mouth. Avoid consuming a lot of proteins and instead strive to achieve the right healthy balance in protein and fats consumption.

6. Use Electrolyte Supplements

It may be hard to get all of your body hydration through water consumption. Another option is to use therapeutic electrolyte supplements like sodium for hydration maintenance.

7. Reduce Or Avoid Caffeine Consumption

Caffeine comes from different common sources, such as beverages.

Some studies have unearthed a close connection between reduced salivary flow levels and caffeine or carbonated drinks. The more you have caffeine in your body, the more you will become dehydrated.

Carbonated drinks and caffeine are also known contributors to tooth decay.

Final Thoughts

When in the keto condition, you can almost be sure of benefiting from significant changes in your body's fat composition. Of course, that is the intention of the keto diet, but the fact is also that we are not living in a perfect environment. For that reason, you can expect to experience other negative effects of this common diet plan, including dry mouth.

The good news for you, though, is that there are different ways of knowing if you have a keto-induced bad breath, and there are many ways for its elimination. So yeah, you should embrace the keto life without worrying about the potential of experiencing dry mouth as we have supplied you with the right solutions.

The post Dry Mouth On Keto appeared first on Keto Methods.

from Keto Methods

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Is Maltitol Keto Friendly?

Is Maltitol Keto Friendly?

Can You Take Maltitol On Keto?

The question of whether we should take Maltitol on a Ketogenic diet has raised a lot of discussions. Some people argue you should not consume Maltitol when you are on a Keto diet, while others advocate for it. For us to make a rational conclusion, we need to look at this topic in detail.

What is Maltitol?

Maltitol is a sugar alcohol obtained naturally from some fruits and vegetables. It is generally a substitute for sugar used in giving sweetness. Apart from being obtained from plants, sugar alcohol can be manufactured by adding hydrogen to maltose.

Normal sugar is sweeter than some sugar alcohols, but sugar alcohols have lesser calories. Remember, Maltitol is considered a carbohydrate. It's mostly used in toothpaste, candy, medication, baked goods, and other sweet commodities.

Maltitol has no nutritional value. There are no minerals, fiber, or vitamins in Maltitol. In every 100grams of Maltitol, 60 grams is carbs.

Bestseller No. 2
MD.Life Maltitol Syrup Low Calorie Alcohol Sugar Sweetener - 12oz - Excellent Sugar Substitute for Baking - Gluten Free Non GMO Organic - Sugar Alternative for Low Carb Diet
MD.Life Maltitol Syrup Low Calorie Alcohol Sugar Sweetener - 12oz - Excellent Sugar Substitute for Baking - Gluten Free Non GMO Organic - Sugar Alternative for Low Carb Diet
  • MALTITOL SWEETENER: MD Life prides itself on high quality products and this maltitol sweetener is no exception. Naturally derived, MD Life’s Maltitol Syrup is non-GMO, kosher, gluten free and preservative free. Purely plant-based, maltitol is a sugar alcohol used as a sugar substitute. Use it on any food, beverage or dessert as you would normal table sugar.
Bestseller No. 3
Vegan ❤ Gluten-Free ✡ OU Kosher Certified - 200g/7oz." rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> Pure Maltitol Powder ☮ Vegan ❤ Gluten-Free ✡ OU Kosher Certified - 200g/7oz.

Benefits of Maltitol

(a) Unlike some sugar alcohols, Maltitol doesn't cause cavity or tooth decay. Eating much sugar is associated with helping in teeth rotting faster, but it's not the case with Maltitol. In fact, it's used in making toothpaste, mouthwash, and gum products.

(b) Maltitol does not have an odd or unpleasant aftertaste that is found in most artificial sweeteners. Like food products and drinks made from sucralose or aspartame usually contain a weird aftertaste.

(c) Another benefit is Maltitol has a lower carb count and calories compared to the normal table sugar. It helps in cutting unnecessary sugar while maintaining the sweetness needed.

red cells in bloodstream, 3D illustration

Side effects of Maltitol

(a) Maltitol is not suitable for people with diabetes because, as we have said, Maltitol is a carbohydrate.

(b) The presence of carbohydrates in Maltitol affects the blood glucose levels in the body therefore, people on the Keto diet or diabetes should be very cautious.

(c) In some cases, it may cause stomach discomfort or even bloating when consumed at high levels. In severe cases, Maltitol can cause diarrhea.

These side effects vary from one individual to another depending on how their bodies react to them. Maltitol effects also depend on the amount consumed, and the period one has been consuming them.

What are the alternatives to Maltitol on Keto?

There are several sugar substitutes including aspartame that compete with Maltitol with lower carb. As we already know, the sugar alcohol with the least carb is the most efficient one. The following are some of the alternatives to Maltitol on Keto:

1. Stevia

Stevia falls under herbs' family, and it's commonly known as 'sugar leaf' with active compounds that are 200 times sweetener than the normal table sugar. The best thing about this sugar is it contains zero calories. Stevia can withstand high heat temperatures during baking, unlike some artificial sweeteners.

Stevia unlike some sugars like Maltitol it contains a nutritional value. It is rich in zinc, magnesium, fiber, iron, vitamin B-3, and potassium. According to research done, stevia has the potential to cure diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

2. Erythritol

Erythritol sugar alcohol contains zero calories and doesn't affect blood glucose levels. It's mainly obtained naturally from vegetables, fruits, and also fermented foods. 90% of Erythritol is absorbed before it reaches the large intestine and then excreted as urine.

It has lesser side effects than other artificial sweeteners, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be consumed in moderation. I recommend Erythritol for the Keto diet due to its low content in carbs.

3. Lactitol

Lactitol is derived from lactose. It can be used as a sweetener or for laxative effect, and it's usually 40% as sweet as normal table salt. On the Keto diet, Lactitol should be consumed in moderation due to the presence of calories.

Having looked at Maltitol, now let's look Keto diet in detail for us to determine if they are friendly.

Superfoods Are Often Keto Friendly

What is a Keto diet?

Keto diet is the short form for Ketogenic. It's a type of diet that is used in losing weight and improving health. The Keto diet advocates for a high-fat diet with low carb.

Keto diet aims to reduce carbohydrates in the body and replace them with fat in a Ketosis process. The fats in the body are burnt for the production of energy hence reducing weight. There are different types of Ketogenic diets, namely:

(a)Cyclical Keto diet (CKD). This type of diet involves having a regular sequence with more days for fats than those of carbs. For example, four days of fats followed by two days of carbs.

(b)Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD). It is the most common where the diet contains high fats, moderate proteins, and low carbs.

(c)High protein Ketogenic diet. It's similar to the standard Ketogenic, but it usually contains more proteins.

(d)Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD). This type of diet allows you to add carbs around workouts.

The cyclical and targeted Ketogenic are more advanced and mostly used by bodybuilders or athletes. We are going to focus on the standard Ketogenic diet since it's the most common.

Checking Fat & Weight Keto Waist

Health benefits of Keto

(a) Cancer treatment. Keto diet is currently being reviewed as one of the ways to treat cancer because it helps in slowing tumor growth.

(b) Heart disease. The diet helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body, reducing the risk of heart attack that is mostly caused by an inefficient flow of blood.

(c) Brain injuries. According to some research, it argues that the Keto diet can help improve traumatic brain injuries.

(d) Polycystic ovary syndrome. Keto diet can reduce the insulin levels in the body that triggers polycystic ovary syndrome.

Some of the above benefits need more research to be done for them to be conclusive. The following foods are highly recommended in a Ketogenic diet. They include healthy oils, avocados, nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, butter, and cream.

On the other hand we should avoid alcohol, low-fat products, unhealthy fats, fruits (except strawberries), legumes, grains, root vegetables, and tubers. 

Results from following your low carb diet

What is Ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body uses fats for the production of energy. Under normal circumstances, carbohydrates are the main producer of energy. Ketosis occurs during Keto diet, where the supply of carbohydrates is reduced, making the body shift to fats as producers of energy.

During the ketosis process, we normally regulate proteins' consumption because they can be converted into glucose when taken at high levels, altering the whole process. We usually undergo some tests to determine if one has entered ketosis by measuring the amount of Ketones produced by the body.

Getting to Ketosis requires planning and some work. It's not as easy as cutting carbs. The following are some of the tips to get to Ketosis easily.

Tips to get into Ketosis easily

  • Reduce carb consumption. Taking a diet with low carbs is the most efficient way of achieving ketosis.
  • Make sure your diet contains coconut oil. Remember, coconut oil is rich in fats called Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) directly absorbed to produce energy or be converted to ketones.
  • Increase physical activity. Being more active can easily get you in ketosis because working out requires more energy hence burning more fats.
  • Increasing fat intake. Ketosis requires high levels of fats and not just fats but healthy fats. As we know, high fat intake does not necessarily mean an increase in ketone levels.
  • Also, keep checking the levels of ketone and adjust your diet accordingly.
Stay Focused With The Keto Diet

Side effects for Ketosis

- The low carb symptoms. These symptoms normally occur during the first stages of the process that usually discourages a lot of people. They include fatigue, increased hunger, nausea, poor sleep, headache, and brain fog.

- Bad breath. It is caused by a ketone known as acetone is a byproduct of fat metabolism.

- Leg muscle cramps. Cramps are mostly caused by dehydration. When they occur, it means there is a reduction in water weight; hence we should drink more water.

- Digestion. In some cases, ketosis may lead to digestive problems because of the change in diet. During the initial stages, it mainly causes constipation.

- Increased heart rate. This may occur to some people during the first few weeks of ketosis. It's mainly caused by dehydration and low salt intake.

We shouldn't do the Keto diet for a long period because it brings more negative effects than positive ones in the long term. Some of the long-term risks include kidney stones, low protein levels in the blood, extra fats in the liver, and micronutrient deficiencies.

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Final Thoughts

As we have discussed, the Keto diet requires a high intake of fats, moderation in proteins, and low intake of carbs. According to My experience with Maltitol, it is not the best sweetener to use in Keto diet.

Okay, note that Maltitol is far much better than the normal table sugar by far, but there are other better artificial sweeteners. The only problem with Maltitol is the presence of carbs that may negatively affect our objective for the Keto diet.

For me, I would recommend stevia as a sweetener for Keto dieters because it is sweeter than table salt with zero calories, so you can be sure it will not interfere with the Ketosis process. Stevia is also better than Maltitol due to its minimal side effects. Lastly, we can conclude Maltitol is not Keto friendly.

from Keto Methods